Saturday, November 25, 2006

LOL the Os are over and i'm wishing it wasn't..ironic isnt it? i'm feeling bored now..
only things i'm doing now is
1. rehearsals for SINGOUT2006
2. look for a job( which has been really unsuccessful)
3. go out with random gatherings and outings organised by my friends
feeling fustrated, tired and lifeless.. sighs.. anyone!! please as me out!! i'm bored to the bones!oh well..

singout rehearsals were fantastic..
full of life, fun and more fun(: oh the only bad thing was that i had to sell those donation tickets for miss ng which was totally embarassing.. i had to go around asking people and i was close to begging:'( anyway thanks ANNA and DARREN.. they're real pals.. oh Anna's hand writing was really beautiful.. hmm.. haha..
hmm i felt that my singing has improved a bit.. haha even luke says that(: can reach higher notes and not go flat.. wow Os helped me accomplish that..
I have a sore throat.. hope the remaining lozenges helps.. i bought strepsils too hope i'll be fine on monday..

Carian went to work.. that day wanted to look for her... but i think i went to the wrong place..
i was walking for an insanely long period of time and still couldnt find her.. wow the clothes and shoes there were really fabulous.. wish i could buy them some day..(: Jiayou carian..

ok i guess i'll stop here.. gonna go back to my groaning and moaning about being bored!(: cya

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