Sunday, March 30, 2008

had alumini practice today.
it was tiring.
i was sick and i couldnt focus, of all days we had to learn a new song today.
i was struggling to keep up with my notes gosh brain aint working much.

tried to refrain myself from sms-ing her cause she needs to do her work and study. hope she'll be less stress la.. she studied physics the whole day and she's doing chem now. woah. i'm j2 and i'm not that stress yet.. maybe i need to reflect on myself.

gotta buck up!(:
thinking of running tomorrow before choir. school ends at 330 la choir starts at 530.... and it's our own combine practice. i forsee bad things happening. hope i get better by tomorrow la.
fever, muscle aches and i think flu.. dunno snivelling here and there:P

well gotta get back to filing my econs file. so many things missing...


Friday, March 28, 2008

today was a great waste of time, except for the last part. heehee
i had sectionals today at 11. woke up at around 9 and lazed around in bed then, got ready to go to school. sectionals was as usual, we went, we sang, we felt bad, we left.
after sectionals we waited around and played with the band instruments. heehee zz was on the drums and stella was playing the piano. ziqing was trying to play the xylophone.
it sounded pretty cool. they kept making teasing me throughout sectionals and after that.

went for a run with zz. we ran around 5 round then went to play basketball. my team got trashed, hahah. after that ziqing joined as and it's two( me and ziqing) against zz.
guess who won. yes. me and ziqing
zz was still boasting before that that he can with us 7 nil in 30 seconds. we won 7 - 4. :P
then went back to the music room and the sops were having sectionals. zhengyi wasnt conducting sectionals. she just sat there doing nothing. she said the sops forgot everything. well...
after awhile i left and went to ben's house to swim~
ben's home was gorgeous sia. there was this cool sword on display from him brother.

well after swiming we slacked around in his room. :P and with zz strange things happened. i got photos to prove haha!(:
shortly me and zz left. i went to school.
on the way there, it rained heavily and i was soaked. plus i was wearing slippers so it's super slippery la and almost fell afew times.

well went to school and waited for her to end sectionals.
it was around 730 when we left school. haha~ went for dinner at the coffeeshop nearby. it was great la. the sc people were around then chuxian saw me. he said "hey kenny" then i turn around he saw her and said" oh " and walked away.
she laughed furiously, banging on the table. haha(:
we talked a lot mostly bout choir people and the gossips:P shh dont ask me what.. my lips are sealed.
then i saw her home.
yup that's how the day ended. nothing special. but just a sweet ending(:

in my heart, there is a city named after you

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm having trouble sleeping these few days, and it seems trouble waking up too.
today i woke up at 6am then i went back to sleep 7 am and went back to sleep 10am and went back to sleep, 12 then 2. what's up with me.
anyway these past few days are really magical for me(:

yesterday miss hazel smsed me and we chatted a while. haha! she says our class' case study is making her stressed. she talked bout my case study too!! is she allowed to do that? anyway that's sorta bothered me a little. i hope i dont fail econs though.

i gotta get my wrist looked at. the pain is causing me insomnia argh!~

btw i'm so unmotivated that i'm down to flipping through my physics chapters just to say i've
"studied" well gotta go back to studying now(:

"HEY! dont worry. we'll get past the teasing together! for better or for worst right(:"
undescrible feelings(:

Sunday, March 23, 2008

today, i realised a lot of things have happened overnight. like she said, it felt so surreal. but it's so real. well woke up late for practice with the alumini guys because i set the alarm time on my phone wrongly. i set it for 10pm. *roll eyes* i must be too delirious from last night la. anyway sms her at around 12 plus and went to get ready to leave. I took a cab to school, the taxi driver was a salesman, he kept commenting on my face then he tried to sell me some products could you believe that? i reached school and he kept talking and talking i think i sat in his car for like 10 mins just listening to him talk. luckily that wasnt on the metre.

well practice was bad, i couldnt focus at all. my mind was running all around the place la. notes were wavering all the way. couldnt lock anything in. too tired i gathered. had lunch after that, the guys and i we chatted a lot mostly bout school and stuff.

then i decided to walk home. i enjoyed the walk home. we smsed and i felt happy(:
i think i'm gonna like long walks from now on.

you came into my life

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'm so happy today~ heehee(:
last night i didnt sleep till like 5 o'clock. woke up at 11am, dazed and i just lay there staring at the celling.
well the day went by pretty well. heart kept beating harder and harder.
what a breathtaker. haha
i was shy:p
need i say more?

start of something good?

Friday, March 21, 2008

it's been a while since i updated my blog
so many things have happened in my life i could hardly find time. or maybe i was just too lazy haha
anyway a little update
i'm learning to play that song mushi wrote for me and the song merry christmas mr lawrence( the leap years)
block tests just passed and hope i didnt do too badly.. yes, too badly, and for those who think i'm a bloody mugger just lying to everyone else, i'm not. think again..
things arent that good in school either.. it's complicated. sometimes i'm just so tired of keeping everything to myself. sighs.
anyway i'm just tired.

i'd rather have bad times with you, than have good times with anyone else

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