Sunday, August 27, 2006

sighs. another hectic day for me..
amaths and chem..
just realised tomorrow i have chemistry extra lessons.. and its until around 8pm.. sighs.. how am i gonna study for chem prac..i wonder..
thanks hor carian.. made me realised im paying quite a lot for tuition.. haha..sighs.. had another quarrel with my mum.. she says i'm eating too much of lays, and tells me not to drag the family down in future if i have any medical problems etcetc..
i hate her
anyways.. i'm here now typing on my com lah.. viruses everywhere..
sometimes i wonder why we have to strife for improvement?? why cant we just be simple and enjoy life.. what the hell.. can't take it anymore...
there a penknife in my room... next time you see me check me for any signs of mutilation..
okay gotta go..

Saturday, August 26, 2006

wow what a hectic day i had today!haha hadn't sleep the whole night and i was like a zombie lah.. brain not working at all..did my usual speed cleaning for me room which too me about like 5 mins.. haha and my room's clean now!.. lalala.. went to school early in the morning at 8 for physics extra lessons.. n2 again pls.. asking so many questions and didnt know what was going on with me lah.. cheers* anyways after physics was POA till 1030.. haha could do the questions.. whoopi! (: improving? maybe.. worth a celebration! after POA i rushed to kovan for tuition! woah.. tell you fell asleep twice in the room lah.. and time passed so quickly.. before i know it, lesson was over and time for lunch! yay*it's my macdonald's* hahaha nice.. went home and soon after fell asleep(:
i awaken at 5.. lazing on the sofa which if i might add never been more comfortable..haha rushed to tuition which i would not have been late if my mum hadn't bug me to buy bubble tea for her.. hmm.. should have charged her extra for the drink.. sigh.. empty pockets.. i'm so poor lah.. cant even buy a certain someone something special..
so now i'm home typing on my com this blog entry lor..
sighs.. had meegoreng for dinner.. wanted more but.. lazy to cook.. so dont care lah.. haha
okayy thats all for today lahh.((: bye!


ai wo hai shi ta by Taozhe
to be with you by Mr big
unfaithful by Rihanna
gei wo ni de ai by Tank

movie friday!

sighs.. this night so sian.. guess what i did.. haha i went to watch a movie with my mummy and both of my younger sisters(: we watched the monster house! who wants the spoiler??
okay so here it goes.. it starts out with a little girl cycling around on her tricycle then was threatened by a grumpy old average curious boy was spying on the creepy old guy thru his telescope in his bedroom just opposite the old man's house..
then in the middle a lot of things happen and then in the end the house was actually the old man's dead wife who died in a cement accident.. and bounded to the house.. the old man was chasing everyone away because he wanted to protect them from her.. a very vague love story thought.. anyway in the end the boy saved the day by throwing dynamite into the house's chimney! whoosh! nice one! haha..
well thats about it..okay i know i know my summary skill are damn bad(X
after the movie came home lah! on the way home smsed carian and wendy.. carian replied but.. wendy i think she was sleeping..
okay was watching tv when my dad ask me to go eat supper with him.. porridge at the stretch of shophouses near my house.. walked pass 2 bars with pool tables and children running around and i was like er.. children? anyway.. while walking there i was reminded of a time last year lah.. when i just got into a relationship for a few hours lah.. maybe 24 or something i forgot.. yarh i was saying i was reminded of her.. and she broke up with me.. yes carian thats the one(: haha heartache abit.. hmm maybe because of the fact that i havent even held her hand nor did i even go one a date with her.. pathetic right? i know i know i'm a freaking despo.. but what the heck!
wanna know the scoops? haha she is in PHS lah.. quite a cute girl.. and is very nice to people.. knew her thru carmen.. haha we were like smsing nearly 200 sms a day.. and for a few days straight.. it was the hols and we could chat on the phone till dawn.. she sang songs over the phone and let me listen to songs she like.. recordings etc. and i sang for her too.. out of tune of course because i was lying on the bed!-_-" haha anyway she was like a really nice girl.. and i missed those times we chat over the phone and sms.. sighs..(:
sighs.. well now i'm happy with my present girlfriend lah.. a lot of glitches here and there but we'll work them out.. presently 8 months together ler! whoopee!((:
haha oops shall not say too much lah.. later she angry with me(: but if dardar you reading this wanna tell you 831! remember a not??

Friday, August 25, 2006

haha it's a miracle to be able to come online again!
well so many things happen today lah.. top on the list is my quarrel with my mum..
BEFORE THE BREAK OF DAWN! i was like what the hell! why do i have to take her scoldings every morning! argh! got so angry that i stormed out of the house and went to school on my own! wow! it's been so long since i walked to school.. it's so frightening.. eerie walkways.. deserted bus stops.. the best scenes to film ghost stories lah.. its so quiet that you could hear the crickets tweek and the lizard's call.."sounds of nature"
ANYWAY! i reached school and smsed carian! first period of the day was PE.. haha had a lot of fun lah.. we played floorball! so many things happen in that 2 period that teaks me off! First off was Cesarius and his theory on how it's the last PE period and create a team to beat the other class! some lame reason! FYI you negleced a few people in the process you insensitive fool! whatever... he went on his way to create his "perfect" team and the rest of us played on our own.. luckily we had enough to from groups.. we went on to play our games lah..
okay next irritant was BRIAN! i hate him so much! what a snob! keep asking people to sit out of the game because he thinks he's the team leader! anyways we got to play our game lah.. at least some people was happy..
oh my gosh! i just remembered a guy fell while competing with me for the ball and i think he has fractured his ankle or something.. so sad lah! hey you okay a not? we were like rushing to get ice to help ease his pain! poor guy!..
social studies was the worst two period today! had to sit in the stinking AVA room and it's seriously stinking! all those sweaty bodies crammed into an airconditioned room.. yucks! and worst of all mr chan kept asking me questions to a point i remained quiet to pretend i didnt hear him..
haha the most wasted 2hours of my life was for the test after school lah.. at 1:45 our e-maths test started.. and was invigilated by mr stanley tan.. for all those out there he's the short guy whom everyone hates.. yes thats him..
anyway.. i dont see why people hate him lah.. he's kind of nice..(at times), humourous and awe-inspiring.. oh and guess what he was in the choir when he was young.. wow that really explains his booming voice(: kinda cool i think.. gosh! dont think i'm gay or something okay!seesh!
anyway as soon as the test was over i took out my hp and guess what.. carian smsed me! sighs.. dunno whats up with her lah.. she keep saying she cannot make it.. being the GREAT GENTILEMEN I AM*hint**hint* i encourage her(: haha and told her i was hoping to get full marks for the test lah..CARIAN IF YOUR READING THIS I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW! I'M ALWAYS BEHIND YOU ALL THE WAY! MUST JIAYOU WORS!
HAHA! well i came home and was thinking of vying for the com with my sis as usual lah.. but she playing some dancing game or something on the com.. since i didnt wanna disturb her i went to cook something to eat! yes! FOOD! FOOD OH GLORIOUS FOOD!
haha i was starving okay.. dont bother about my silly enthics haha.. silly silly me! have a sumptous meal and then Milo.. so fattening.. lol.. but nontheless i still ate it! sorry carian! sighs!!
so now here i am able to use the com now cause my sis had enough fun lalala~ haha chat online with carian, well sort of chat lah.. a bit only.. at the end where we were discussing whether i should be gentleman and sms her all the what not and about whether i was lying about her being pretty(: haha well anyways.. smsed her after she had offline-ed and soon it was 6 so i sms my dardar! she called me lah! i was so happy to hear her voice*love*
haha okayy that all for now!.. byees!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

today` whees!

came to blog again
sighs.. just came back from was terrible..
fell asleep during english and almost missed chem prac coz no one called me up...evil class! EVIL i tell you!
managed to make it in time.. but during practical fumbled on all the procedures and stuff.. and i still couldnt get whats the gas.. my guess is CO2 but the tests were never successful.. sighs.. chem prac next week how!? still got english also! sighs..

hehh! i did something good today! i gave up my bus seat to grannie she was so nice to me.. keep saying i very good..(:*blush* haha yay! score 1 for me! lol

hmm i find i'm addicted to lays.. couldnt stop eating it.. i think i've tried all flavours! bbq, sour cream,original.. and cheese.. didnt like the taste of cheese though.. haha i'm such a glutton! fats!(copy from carian!) wahahahahahah!!

okayy end here! tomorrow still gotta take emaths mock exam! must score A1 i dont care!

P.S. carian i prayed for us again!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Wow just realised i'm stress! i'm not eating well..(lose weight!!), fear and ridiculous thinking..
hmmm.. maybe i should go see a psychiatrist..

today had like 2 test.. which was okay.. social studies and chemistry..

i think i'm gonna flunk social studies.. my 7marks source based question i only had like 9-12 lines for it..
and my 5 mark i have like more than half page.. i need to learn organisation skills!

chemistry was okay i guess.. macromolecules.. organic chem.. yarh.. got quite a few questions correct hope can pass!
today the most disappointing thing was geog.. i thought i could have been the highest in class.. but in the end i'm even among them.. i've got a big problem..15/25 for me is not very good you know.. oh wells..
gotta start concentrating for 'o' levels.. 76 more days only..focus focus
i was suppose to meet wendy to return her her book and for lunch today but she couldn't make because she had some quiz thing.. Disappointed`

So now i'm at home doing my blog haha worked for 2 hours on this sia.. as if i'm not stressed enough..

Sunday, August 20, 2006


haha.. phew..after all my hard work! the songs can be played! yay!*cheers**claps*
haha here are the song titles!!
1st: The way you look at me by Christian Bautista
2nd: Almost by Bowling for Soup
3rd: Now that you're gone by lin jun jie
4th: Hero by Enrique Iglesias


Saturday, August 19, 2006


yay! look at this.. i decided to redo my blog! many thanks to carian!
haha! wow.. so tiring to do a blog.. had so much trouble choosing my blog add..
hmm but decided to settle on this..
sighs! tuition later..PHYSICS!AHHHH!(:
hmm got a testimonal from my godsis today.. so touched by her words!
must write her a better on in future yesyes..
sis if you see this must tell me what you think okay?

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