Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Wow just realised i'm stress! i'm not eating well..(lose weight!!), fear and ridiculous thinking..
hmmm.. maybe i should go see a psychiatrist..

today had like 2 test.. which was okay.. social studies and chemistry..

i think i'm gonna flunk social studies.. my 7marks source based question i only had like 9-12 lines for it..
and my 5 mark i have like more than half page.. i need to learn organisation skills!

chemistry was okay i guess.. macromolecules.. organic chem.. yarh.. got quite a few questions correct hope can pass!
today the most disappointing thing was geog.. i thought i could have been the highest in class.. but in the end i'm even among them.. i've got a big problem..15/25 for me is not very good you know.. oh wells..
gotta start concentrating for 'o' levels.. 76 more days only..focus focus
i was suppose to meet wendy to return her her book and for lunch today but she couldn't make because she had some quiz thing.. Disappointed`

So now i'm at home doing my blog haha worked for 2 hours on this sia.. as if i'm not stressed enough..

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