Saturday, December 30, 2006

last min call(:

haas(: sis dragged me to orchard yesterday(: haas
cools.. we snuck in to the private sale :P with the help of a lady who was waiting for her bf haas(: so helpful thanks(: god bless her! yup went in to buy a induction cooker:P it was not heavy lar.. but troublesome carrying it around:P haas carried it to plaza sinapura and then to kovan.. hope it didnt break carian:P haas(:
carian went to look at belts after that:P she looked nice white belt would be nicer so she didnt buy the black billabong $40 belt and decided to go.. erm.. where was it again? i forgot but nvm haas so we went to plaza singapura to eat carl's junior..
sighs.. sis was so thrifty that i felt bad eating the burger while she ate bread.. well we shared the drink.. iced tea yeah? yup and she went for contacts haas(: after that we went home..
took some nice pics(: haas enjoy then:P

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

two days later

hmms.. today i went to xinghua primary to collect uniform for my sister.. gosh carian only sent me an sms.. luckily i was able to wake up.. hurms.. CARIAN!! haas(: received sms from alex but decided not to reply.. scared later sms blow again.. my mother's gonna drown me with her nagging again.. well i really liked the freedom i had these few days.. parents returning tomorrow at around 5.. yupps
anyway after waiting in line for eternity i finally got the uniform and then proceed to hougang mall to meet ningxin and her gang haas(: well we went to hougang plaza's coffee shop for lunch.. haas had banmian.. i think shimin started talking about OBS and the ghost there.. haas the others link to the sanitary conditions of the camp and stuff i swore i could've puked there haas had to stop to make sure i dont.. haas(:
i was fun lar.. we were heading to ningxin's house lar.. stopped by the ATM to withdraw money.. stopped by 7-11 coz they wanted to buy something haas jac bought a magazine and everyone's fighting over it.. lol wendy left halfway and when we reached Nx's house, she was told off by her mom haas and her mon only allows the girls to go but not the boys so i went home lar..
took 82 saw clara at heartland mall doing flag day haas
walked home and it drizzled
so now here i am typing on my com..
having absolutely no life..
gotta go

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


it's really bothering me.. i spent christmas with carian talking online..smsing and stuff
i lay on my bed and thought about what happened last year.. haas our first kiss on bus 81 unforgettable.. that feeling.. undescrible.. sighs.. i'm here alone this year bored alone..
wanna cry out
wanna hug someone..
i dunno just feels empty..

Saturday, December 23, 2006

esplanade: ACJC

woah! i'm so impressed by ACJC's performance yesterday.. i was great and it really moved me.. haas.. i still cant get over seeing mr tay perform.. hurms.. i dunno it's just this strange feeling.. unfamiliarity.. hmm.. oh wells.. haas.. there was this guy in the first row who's always moving his eye brows.. strange haas...
Alto section there's this person who has that cheeky look on her face.. haas all their expressions we exaggerated and body language communicates with the crowd well.. nice..
wow.. i wonder when i can sing that high.. hurms.. I MUST PRACTICE!! AHHH!!
after the concert had supper with the holy innocents ppl.. what a rowdy bunch.. but fun nevertheless.. was great hanging out with them lar.. haas and wendy bought me a drink... hey.. i paid for it... gosh.. she owes me money!! ahh hahahas

well i'll end here..

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

a rainy tuesday in december

watched the rain fall again.. staring out i was thinking bout the days we had.
haas so bored! went out to something at ACS barker.
haas on the way there i got lost and had to take a taxi.. the crazy thing i did was offer a cute girl a ride to the place she wanted to go haas.. :P wanted to get her number but didnt have the guts! argh! so sad. anyway ACS looks nice haas walked in the rain and got to the oldham hall.. what a strange name.
the food was okay i guess. chocolate fondue and stuff so fattening. need to exercise!
wend home after. walked in the HEAVY RAIN and went home to realise my dad was at home! gosh.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

rain rain rain

sighs.. what a day..
it's be raining for eons.. when will it stop?
spent the whole day sleeping.. comfortable(:
now i having cold war with my mum not talking to her:P super bad kenny!
well online for a while to chat and do stuff..
read my blog often(:

Friday, December 15, 2006

i was bored =P

You Took My Heart Away

Staring at the moon so blue
Turning all my thoughts to you
I was without hopes or dreams
I tried to dull an inner scream
But you...
Saw me through

Walking on a path of air
See your faces everywhere
As you melt this heart of stone
You take my hand to guide me home
And now...
I'm in love

You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life

Living in a world so cold (living in a world so cold)
You are there to warm my soul (you are there to warm my soul)
You came to mend a broken heart
You gave my life a brand new start
And now...
I'm in love

You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life

Holding your hand
I won't fear tomorrow
Here where we stand
We'll never be alone

You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life
You become the meaning of my life
You become the meaning
You become the meaning of my life

Saturday, December 09, 2006

craps.. i feeling so unwell now.. i wanna cry.. so cold at different parts of my body.. so warm at others.. could it be fever? i dunno.. i suddenly dont feel sleepy now.. sighs.. wanna talk to someone.. but seems like no one will be willing to listen.. sighs.. why? why me? i feel like dying now.. hurms.. will someone release me from my discomfort??

Friday, December 08, 2006

haha today went iceskating.. so fun.. went round and round.. then collided with a few people around.. gosh.. it's so difficult sighs.. fell down so many times. i injure my legs and had to limp back home haha.. first thing i did was switch on the computer.. haha so sian!! was thinking.. she's still as bitchy as ever and so bad attitude to me.. wth i cant stand it.. at the same time.. sighs.. i dunno leh.. what should i do?? i wanna cry.. sighs

i was bored so i decided to upload some pictures i too with people hahas enjoy(:

holy innocents choir!

at the class gathering

me and wendy

that boring night and my ugly face:P

me and jaslyn after singout2006

miss yee and me! she looks unprepared:P

me and carian:)

haha well thats all for now.. have fun making fun of my face:P

walked home... misty skies, highly hung moon.. what a ghostly night! i felt cold and scared.. well.. so many things happen today..
went to take pictures with edwin, whom wants to test out his photography skills. haha.. well quite nice, but... i realised my but looks too big!! oh my gosh.. die..

lol sighs.. this was taken outside vch.. thanks edwin!
haha future professional photographer!
well we took photos from 4 to around 7 haha took over 40 pictures.. lol edwin was super enthu..
hurms.. after that went for concert at vch.. hougang secondary band..
hmmm.. it's quite okay bah.. i'm just being kind. well a lot of out of tune notes and mistakes haha quite funny me and clarence was laughing at every mistake.. jelly was like a bullet train, cant stop at all haha..
after the concert we went to marina square for supper? had meat ball congee.. it was nice.. shall go back there to eat somemore.. we decide to go iceskating tomorrow and couldnt find enough people.. so i went on a calling spree hahas sorry guys and girls that i called..
tomorrow will be fun..
oh gosh i'm hungry rawh!! copy jaslyn!!(: lols(: love you people.. byess
P.S. more pictures below!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

haha(: today had swensens with mum at JORONG haha crap.. was super tired and bored to death had steak and icecream! i remember it being called ring a ding dong or something haha what a strange name(: anyway.. after that had a call from jelly.. to go to harbourfront to take a walk with her.. we ended up talking about her ex..
lol! on the train there she told me she was going to be the emcee for the concert on thursday i was like stunned! haha it's gonna hilarious seeing her on staged(: i tried to help her correct her script which was so dull and boring to me i think.. and most likely to the audience.. but no pen and no pencil was available so no editing was made. at harbourfront we chatted about her concert and her songs.. oh i told her to let me teach her encore song haha so bhb right? i know.. i feel so bad keep reminding her.. sighs.. eh.. carl's jr was dindin. the burgur was humongous andi felt full eating it.. first time!! should go there more often=D back at home at around 8..
hurms.. satisfying day(: not too severly boring i might add(:

Saturday, December 02, 2006

haha i suddenly think i feel redundent in the world..
what have i done? what impact have i made?
nothing actually..
hmmm i think the world would be a better place without me.. wouldnt you say so?
oh silly me.. no one will read this blog anyway right?
my shatttered dreams and broken heart.. i think i should throw them away..
*waves* bye bye
haha i'm really useless.. haha
anyway bought a present today for xinye haha
church was loud and fun..
nothing more to say..

argh my body is still aching from that crazy fall i had outside SCH haha thanks to all the Ds who helped me up(: haha my butt and head is still bruised.. hope i get better soon..
so many things happened.. sorry thats all i have to say.. forgive me pls(:
wanna add a new song to the blog so look forward to it guys and gals(:
love you all(",)

Friday, December 01, 2006


my name is kenny and this is my blog(: happy reading!

haha today was sing out! yes! after our long hours of grueling practices and trainings we've finally performed it. we're all tired and exhausted from the day! yup but i still went to have supper with xinye wendy and the gang. OH my GOSH!! i didnt realise she will smoke.. sighs.. utterly disappointed how can she do that. infront of her juniors and friends somemore.. sighs.. *shakes head* anyway had some pictures take which i will upload sometime later(: haha yay miss yee gave us chocolates and i took some pics with miss yee too. haha miss yee so cute lor:P
sighs wished the year didnt pass so fast.. gonna miss the practices and happy times with other school choirs and what'll learn from mr lee mr tay and of course miss yee! thanks to all teachers too! miss pan and miss ng although the possibility they will read my blog is really low(:
yes lucky me(: haha hope everyone enjoyed singout! hope and pray that god blesses all of them and that our 3 choirs will get gold for syf next year(: work hard guys and girls! i'll be rooting for you(: love you guys:P

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