Friday, December 01, 2006


my name is kenny and this is my blog(: happy reading!

haha today was sing out! yes! after our long hours of grueling practices and trainings we've finally performed it. we're all tired and exhausted from the day! yup but i still went to have supper with xinye wendy and the gang. OH my GOSH!! i didnt realise she will smoke.. sighs.. utterly disappointed how can she do that. infront of her juniors and friends somemore.. sighs.. *shakes head* anyway had some pictures take which i will upload sometime later(: haha yay miss yee gave us chocolates and i took some pics with miss yee too. haha miss yee so cute lor:P
sighs wished the year didnt pass so fast.. gonna miss the practices and happy times with other school choirs and what'll learn from mr lee mr tay and of course miss yee! thanks to all teachers too! miss pan and miss ng although the possibility they will read my blog is really low(:
yes lucky me(: haha hope everyone enjoyed singout! hope and pray that god blesses all of them and that our 3 choirs will get gold for syf next year(: work hard guys and girls! i'll be rooting for you(: love you guys:P

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