Saturday, July 28, 2007

uh. was suppose to meet zhenzhi at macs today morning, damn i overslept! woke up at 9plus and slacked around until 11 when i started to change and do my hair. argh another pimple on my face yuck!
i left the house at 1130am and went on my way to bishan to meet xinrui for lunch. missed the bus and hailed a cab there~ 4bucks goodness~
anyway reached there and found her waiting.. she looked cute in her ponytail and skirt haha~ not sure if i had seen her so femanine before.. haha! she gave me my long overdue present haha! i wonder what is it? (: anyway we walk around looking for a place to dine and settled with mosburger. we couldnt find any other joint which had empty seats, everywhere was crowded as usual.
We ate in almost complete silence la.. awkward.. she was so shy that i became shy myself. argh!
after lunch we took a walk around.. things were quite okay then.. we went up and down several times before i asked her to watch harry potter with me.. damn the stupid time slots.. 310 killed me~
anyway there was nothing to do la so we continued walking around.. saw sheena and learnt that sheena's in the same class as xinrui! argh~ i sense a blackmail coming along anyway! we went to the library but was so crowded that we decided to go home.
i saw her home~ on the bus haha! tvmobile was showing some opera thing and we were laughing here and there~ haha!
walked her home la then i went home.. we left each other with just a goodbye(:

Thursday, July 26, 2007

japanese cemetery park

today's a bad day for me..
i dont know why but i feel super pissed at everything that's going around me!
first is Jocelyn- dunno why her attitude towards me is like changed totally what's up with that.
second was choir where i dunno i couldnt stand it that everyone is making fun of my singing. sighs.. my dreams have been dashed and put on cold storage. please dont take them out and start stepping on them again and AGAIN and AGAIN!!
third was Aaron~ he's a freaking bastard (forgive me for my language). just talking to him on the phone was enough to convince me that he's an idiot. he started scolding vagularities at me which i cant stand (although occassionally i say them) i swear if he was infront of me and my temper then i could have beaten the daylights out of him.
what's happen to me? i feel like a barbarian~
Vanity is a sin haha! i realised im starting to look at myself in the mirror more than often in school.. gatsby wax is the root of this haha! i shall stop bringing it to school now.. haha~
hmm today i went to the japanese cemetery to take some photos for schooool~! chinese teacher better thank me well.. it was so eriee there being alone gosh!
hope they dont see anything else inside
hmm should i photoshop teacher's pic into the photos? haha!


Friday, July 13, 2007

woah today is a strange day
went to school, supposedly to do PW
but all my group did was ( well i did ) to collate the different WRs into 1.
then me jiahui yongzhi and yu han started to gossip. jocelyn was playing mindsweeper on my com
haha! jiahui and yu han asked some really perverse questions.. and luckily yongzhi is the one who's been targeted
later when it's time for GP lecture almost the whole class skipped the lecture.
we stayed in a class most sleeping while i was watching final fantasy advart childern
then we went for maths lecture..
went for oral which totally sucks
then wanted to go for Kbox with yongjin and the guys but.. haosheng suddenly called me and asked me to go for choir prac wth.. sian had to cancel them..
well i reached school and they were singing the lullaby song..
haha then they sang you are loved..
woah we sang it once then it sounded karaoke haha! i guessed that's what happen when you play background music..
then we sang it again.. piano..
then suddenly mr tay asked me to sing the solo part.. i was like shocked but sang it.. haha! not wonderfully anyway~
then some things went on...
bryan suddenly reminded me of something i wanted to do a long time ago...
i wished to be a singer..
i wanted to find a teacher to teach me..
suddenly it all came back to me..
amazing.. well friday the thirteen aint that bad~

Sunday, July 01, 2007

after exams

what a boring day
didnt have anything to do so i got another blogskin..
well didnt sleep a wink yesterday night
stayed up listening to music
come to think of it,
i heard a lot of songs i never knew i knew
haha! oh wells i think the next thing for this blog is a song.. yeap off to find one then

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