Thursday, July 26, 2007

japanese cemetery park

today's a bad day for me..
i dont know why but i feel super pissed at everything that's going around me!
first is Jocelyn- dunno why her attitude towards me is like changed totally what's up with that.
second was choir where i dunno i couldnt stand it that everyone is making fun of my singing. sighs.. my dreams have been dashed and put on cold storage. please dont take them out and start stepping on them again and AGAIN and AGAIN!!
third was Aaron~ he's a freaking bastard (forgive me for my language). just talking to him on the phone was enough to convince me that he's an idiot. he started scolding vagularities at me which i cant stand (although occassionally i say them) i swear if he was infront of me and my temper then i could have beaten the daylights out of him.
what's happen to me? i feel like a barbarian~
Vanity is a sin haha! i realised im starting to look at myself in the mirror more than often in school.. gatsby wax is the root of this haha! i shall stop bringing it to school now.. haha~
hmm today i went to the japanese cemetery to take some photos for schooool~! chinese teacher better thank me well.. it was so eriee there being alone gosh!
hope they dont see anything else inside
hmm should i photoshop teacher's pic into the photos? haha!


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