Saturday, August 18, 2007


today i went to watch fireworks with karen and her mom..
before that i went shopping for cufflings with them at taka.. karen's mom kept looking at me..
haha! i found out later from karen that it's cause her mom saw me before and kept thinking about where..
after that karen complained that her stomach's rumbling so we went to grab a bite at the basement me and karen ate japanese noodles and they kept saying how the jap noodles at cineleisure was nicer haha! and they talked about the history of singapore.. about lky and malaysia and the british and WWII heehee!
after that we took a train to raffles place, karen says she's smart for thinking of that go figure..
the area around esplanade was crowded we walk to somewhere where we could get a better view...
the wait for the fireworks was a long one.. we saw the remote controlled kites and then fireworks. I heard from karen that the fireworks was from China, because of the colours and flowers..
haha! it was so cute hearing ppl around shouting WAH!! karen still say wanna shout too.. luckily i didnt listen to her. paiseh shouting alone... haha!
well the fireworks lasted for around 15 mins then we walked back towards the mrt..
the atmosphere around was like genting because of the smoke from the fireworks and the chilly weather.
we decided to walk to clark quey to take a mrt as it'll be less congested and we'd have to squeeze with less people.
well we reached clark quey and i went to the toilet then karen's mom wanted to go to the ladies too, so me and karen went to sit by the river to talk.. yea.. tooks some photos..

here's the sad part..
well here goes
we were talking la and the people beside us were smoking so i asked her if she wanted to move, she said no. asked if she wants me to tell them to be considerate she said no too.
she said she's "racist" and afraid they'll beat me up.........
we talked a bit more then she said she couldnt take it anymore so we decided to move...
i stood up first then i sensed something is about to happen and i wanted to tell her but when i turned around... she screamed and i saw the phone dropped on the step and into the water..
gosh i feel so bad.. she was so depressed and her mom didnt make it any better.. she keep blaming her that she played with her phone and it's her fault that it dropped.. but i was quick to defend her i told her.. on the way back i could see karen was pissed.. she was on the verge of tears.. hmm.. luckily she didnt cry.. i would have cried too.. i cant stand people shedding tears especially girls..
well karen could still smile and say "at least i would get a new phone"
she's so strong, i admire that bout her..
but on the way back
i was thinking

"i'm such a jinx...
i could just die la.."

sighs.. emo again... just kill me la...

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