Monday, July 14, 2008

Feel Good Music!

Lately i've been listening to some nice music. like songs from Secondhand Serenade and Faber Drive etc haha! thanks to Audrey for sending me those songs. they are great! anyway i've already heard them like more than a dozen times and they make me feel happier.
i think i'm beginning to get over it. it being my emo-ness.
i'm so afraid i'm suffering from depression. insomnia, changes in eating pattern and the feeling that all is doomed. die! please dont let it be.
well havent found a cure for my insomnia yet. going to the doctors to get a long term mc for pe (back problems) and maybe get some sleeping pills to help me sleep better.
maybe the stress is building up. less than 2 months to prelims. things are moving faster and faster and i'm worried if i'm able to make it in time. no. if i'm able to outperform myself.
expectations are higher. i need to start revising and studying.
practice makes perfect haha!
so many things to do now. econs essays are piling up and i gotta finish maths tutorials by wed. yup i owe mr leong the whole of statistics from S1 onwards. handed in S1 and S2. haha 3 more to go(: hmm so many geog tutorials dunno how i'm gonna go about doing it. it's like things are piling up.
well flunk physics really badly this time and make me wonder, i need to put in a lot more effort into physics. it's not that easy.
goals for prelims: A for maths and maybe econs. C for physics and geog maybe. need to brush up my gp too. sighs. 23 23 for both essays and compre so that 46/100 for gp pass but not good enough.
temptations temptations are everywhere. need to overcome all these. need to study now.
my goals are so much more complex than anyone's. need to work towards it. need to be sure of it(:
well everyone persevere for your exams. dont give up. never give up on anything.

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