Saturday, August 16, 2008

inflation shrinks food size!

just had dinner with my parents at chomp chomp. haha was thinking about econs la. so obvious inflation causes price of stuff to increase but they also shrink the size.. haha
my family had to have 2 servings of almost everything when we used to have 1.
haha well yesterday was a full moon.
weird things happen on a full moon. weird things happen to me anyway haha!
i sank into a zen state of emo-ness.
was watching tv then i set this timer on the tv so that it will switch off on it own. yea but i was feeling really emo then i just sat there blankly thinking.
then the tv switch off and i still stood there blankly.
haha i think i was for quite somewhile until someone sms me.
hmm need to set my mind straight la. damn.

about 70 days to As and so totally unprepared.
today was a really tiring day.
went to school early in the morning with an empty stomach heh heh(: anyway yup 8am to take the math mock paper 1
so tiring cant do quite a few questions and didnt continue the complex numbers and vectors questions just havent studied them at all.
i think paper 2's coming soon dunno when but it'll kill me too haha didnt do any stats tutorials the WHOLE YEAR haha wonder how i survived the midyears

well next was econs timed practice.
case studies. we had to do two case studies.
it was really tiring. had to force myself even to lift up the pen. lesson learnt: never go to an exam with an empty stomach.
finish the 1st case but didnt do the last question properly coz i went into it with a wrong perception of the question wrote totally out of point.
felt too tired to continue the second one haha so i just gave up(:

when the case study ended it was already around 230 haha so freaking hungry la. went to the coffee shop to eat and saw suk lum and her friend there. gobbled up my food and then went straight back to school for consultation.
so that's about 3 hours of econs consultations we analyzed each member of the group's essay and find they good points and bad points. need to link up more. lazy brain! i scored the lowest in the group.
then we talk about social stuff like Sg's policy to appreciate the currency. haha good and bad too LR SR. woah haha quite interesting la. and funny how some people manage to memorize so many definitions and another all the figures in the papers haha!

lessons ended and helped miss hazel carry her stuff down. then she was telling me" must work hard you know, you can do it, dont give up yea"
with those words came a sudden sense of guilt. why didnt i finish doing up the case study sighs.

super tiring day la. super tiring day.
i hope i can make it for the As.
wondering how you're doing now..

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