Friday, August 08, 2008

National Day Eve

today's the eve of national day! haha and also the opening of the beijing olympics 08

we had celebrations in school today which was quite boring. it's like something the school did to meet the quota for NE haha.

it's like they crammed the year's amount of NE programme into the two hours.

the celebrations consists of a cultural dance. talking about the different races' dances. it was so lame btw it's like something they made up just to satisfy the people. and.. i slept through the whole thing(:

well i did see something. i came to the conclusion. some people are filled with too much arrogance, self centred-ness and biasness to have any bit of talent to dance such easy steps. I've always hated this guy in my class. he's from china and he's such an... well you can fill in the rest.

he treats people like dirt especailly his girlfriend who i think he's with just for her money. ahhh! shouldnt talk about him anymore the more i talk about him the more i want to punch that disgusting smile off his face(:

anyway then next one was poetry. which was more interesting. quite fun actually. haha i myself am quite fond of poetry and have written a few before haha but my talentless works are nothing to mention about. well the rythem, rhyme and reason was nice haha!

then the national day games. LOL so many choir members went up. and i realise something. i saw someone familiar. not familiar familiar but it's that feeling of similarity with someone else. she stand like her, talks like her, has the same expression as her AND!!! sings like her! oh my gosh.. so much alike.. maybe there's a relation with how you look and how you sound.. haha maybe that'll be my thesis paper next time!(:

then it was a soccer tournament later. haha we lost 2 games out of 3 but it was fun :D
tiring day. got my hair cut thin and trimmed it a bit hope it looks good when i style it yup(:
got consultation tomorrow. but before that i aimed to run in the morning before 11 yea!

hahah byes!
happy birthday singapore(:
81days to A levels(:

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